The Remanufactured StarTrac Elliptical Edge - a Gym Grade Trainer for Home Use

The StarTrac Elliptical Edge is a powerhouse machine that’s designed to take an incredible beating and keep on working. It’s basically a commercial remanufactured elliptical trainer that you can order for use in your home.

What You Get

The StarTrac Elliptical Edge offers a fairly straight-forward set of features, but you’re buying into the concept of having what’s essentially a gym grade piece of remanufactured equipment. This elliptical trainer is meant for multiple users and can take eight or nine hours a day of grueling workout routines, so keep this in mind when comparing features.

StarTrac Elliptical Edge
  • 11 pre-set programs
  • 15 resistance levels
  • LED console display
  • Ergonomically designed body positioning for comfort
  • Oversized foot pedals
  • Pulse grip heart monitor
  • Reverse motion
  • Extra-long stride

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The Word on the Street

Trainers are virtually silent on this particular model by StarTrac. There are many that have used the company’s equipment, but only in health club settings, and they don’t routinely recommend the StarTrac Edge elliptical trainer for at-home use.

Consumers seem a bit ambivalent. While they are all pleased with the stability, smoothness and durability of the StarTrac Edge, many say that they feel they "over purchased" in terms of what they needed for home use. On the other hand, they also said some nice "extras" were missing.

Our Thoughts

If you like a strong, dependable crosstrainer, consider this remanufactured elliptical by StarTrac. You can then get the StarTrac Edge that would retail at over $4,000 for about $2,500. At that price, you’re getting a great deal and it will still last you for years.

Be aware that this elliptical trainer doesn’t have any upper body workout, just handlebars. If we were to recommend a crosstrainer by this company, we’d suggest the Star Trac Elite with its unique Select Fit upper body workout.

You’re getting a lot for your money with that model, but you’re still getting a decent set-up with the remanufactured StarTrac Elliptical Edge if you want to focus on your lower body and cardio – and you’re darned hard on your equipment!

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Elliptical Buying Guide

Elliptical Buying Guide

8 Features to Compare
Brake Systems
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Front vs. Rear Drive

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